28 December 2012

Christmas Travels.

Not being a couple who has a driving licence and who's families live a hundred or so miles apart splitting Christmas equally can be hard (and tiering!). This year it was my parents turn to have us on Christmas day. My middle brother hosted Christmas dinner we had an amazing meal and ended it on the sofa watching films. Then yesterday we hopped on a couple of trains, with two suitcases stuffed with presents we've received and presents still yet to give. Up the country we shot for Christmas number 2 with the Dixons'. Lots more presents, chocolate and time with the puppies.

I love seeing both families equally, but hell, its tiring!  It means we don't usually get back into the comfort of our own bed until the new year (this year a little before) which is exhausting. This year it was made a little bit more complicated as we both got pretty ill (I wont go into detail but it involved a whole heap of throwing up). You know what though? I wouldn't change it. Although, our own car would make it that little bit easier.

Do you have to split your time at Christmas? How does it work out? I hope regardless you've all had an amazing, exhausting festive period and are looking forward to the new year.


  1. I had to split time between my house and the boyfriends house. I totally don't mind it at all.. I'd rather actually be at his house. They have some pretty awesome traditions that I would love to make my own. Plus they're super welcoming and fun to be around.

  2. I have to split time between my Dad & stepmother, my Mom & stepfather, & my boyfriends Mom. It can be pretty hectic considering my Dad is 2 hours away, my Mom is about an hour away, and the boyfriends Mom is an hour also. It's always a lot of fun to spend time with everyone, but it's also pretty exhausting. I slept for 12 hours after everything was finished up on Christmas night.

  3. Travelling can always be tiring, at least this is for an occasion you both like! Have a nice new years! x


Thank you so much for leaving your thoughts. I love to hear what you all think and I do read every single one soooo if you have a question, feel free to ask!

chloe x

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