2 May 2015

See Ya April.

This month has been BUSY. I have hardly had time to blog at all, or read blogs, which makes me sad (but excited to read a ton in one go). May is going to be the most exciting month! On the first I am going to open by Etsy shop! I am going to sew loads and (hopefully) enjoy the amazing weather that has been creeping up on us recently. 

This month we found a load of wild garlic in Sunderland, we made garlic bread and it as great! I spent a lot of time in my craft room! I started adding things to my wall and it looks amazing in there. I did a load of tie-dying. It was sunny! Dixon, me and Eva went to a beer garden and it was great. I bought new cacti from the market. I made some beautiful pouches from vintage fabric. Eva came back from a walk extremely wet and extremely smelly. I took a load of polaroids (which I'll share soon!). It was a friend from works wedding, they had a photobooth!! I went for the sailor hat, duh. My pile of zippers is looking pretty huge! The best new pins, so beautiful. Me and Kate had a crafternoon, we carved stamps and I taught her to sew a tote bag! 

Find me on Instagram: @chlough

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chloe x

Lifestyle Blog // Nature, DIY, Coffee // By The Lock Lifestyle Blog // Nature, DIY and Coffee // By The Lock