13 April 2015

Exploring in Sunderland.

Last weekend Dixon, Eva and Me went up to Sunderland to visit Dixons parents. Whilst we were there we went for a walk through the woods with all the pups. It was a kind of dull day, but it was soooo warm! The dogs had a swim and chased some sticks, and I got excited by all the plants that're ready to bloom. We found some wild garlic too! Dixon filled a whole bag and we made garlic bread with it that night, and roasted some veg with in the next day. It was tasted awesome! The floor was covered in mushrooms too, I haven't been able to identify these ones yet though?! The lads and dogs did some climbing! Eva was the best at it. And at the end we walked to the top of a huge hill which had an amazing view. It was a good day!



  1. This post makes me miss home. I'm from the Forest of Dean and currently living in the cold wet city of Melbourne. Our local forestry commission does 'fungal forays' where you go out and learn all about mushrooms in your area. Your local commission might do one too. It was surprisingly fun.

  2. This post makes me miss home. I'm from the Forest of Dean and currently living in the cold wet city of Melbourne. Our local forestry commission does 'fungal forays' where you go out and learn all about mushrooms in your area. Your local commission might do one too. It was surprisingly fun.


Thank you so much for leaving your thoughts. I love to hear what you all think and I do read every single one soooo if you have a question, feel free to ask!

chloe x

Lifestyle Blog // Nature, DIY, Coffee // By The Lock Lifestyle Blog // Nature, DIY and Coffee // By The Lock