25 March 2015

365 Photo Project // Day 73

Day 73// Spending the day in my new favourite room! Sewing sewing sewing.
 Day 74// Pulled 'pork' for Sunday dinner. Dixon is a genius.
 Day 75// Trying to draw Milhouse from Memory, my absolute favourite Simpson character.
 Day 76// Hanging out with some city pigeons. I love birds, but pigeons kind of scare me so I'm trying to be brave.
 Day 77// Dreaming of going to the college of Art and reading Mollie Makes!
 Day 78// Hanging out at the print fair, and exploring a new (to me) gallery.
 Day 79// Some finished pouches! Made from an old denim shirt. They're beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. Love seeing your 365 photos! The pouches look awesome and I'm inspired by your craft space - I want a little nook of my own for creating!


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chloe x

Lifestyle Blog // Nature, DIY, Coffee // By The Lock Lifestyle Blog // Nature, DIY and Coffee // By The Lock