10 March 2015

365 Photo Project // Day 60 - 66

Day 60// My indecisiveness strikes again and I leave empty handed when plant shopping...
Day 61// Zips zips zips (in bad lighting).
Day 62// One huge curry, a load of sides with a bunch of friends (and dogs).
Day 63// Oh pizza. With garlic butter too... 
Day 64// Kale, to counteract the pizza from the day before.
Day 65//  Charity shop shopping and a trip to beer shop with Dixon.
Day 66// I creep myself out in these woods so much now that I can hardly face going. I'm a total idiot. 

1 comment:

  1. Lovely photo set! So many cute cacti! I want them ALL! Also the labels in that beer shop look amazing (I'm a sucker for good packaging) but I'm sure a clumsy girl like me would be a disaster in a store like that.


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chloe x

Lifestyle Blog // Nature, DIY, Coffee // By The Lock Lifestyle Blog // Nature, DIY and Coffee // By The Lock