28 January 2015

365 Photo Project // Day 18 - 26

Day 18// Snowy walks with my two favourite guys.
 Day 19// I'm trying to limit my take aways to once a month. Grove pizza is hard to limit.
 Day 20// Picked up this amazing coloured yarn in the market and started knitting with it straight away.
 Day 21 // It snowed almost all day. But I don't get to enjoy it on a week day.
Day 22// I got the pup a new toy, she is a great model.
Day 23// I missed a day! I did nothing but work, and watch movies. You didn't miss anything.
Day 24// Flicking through these vintage sewing patterns.
Day 25// I knoooow, I posted this yesterday, but look how beautiful and smokey it looks! 
Day 26// Giving the slippers I knitted myself a spin!


  1. Lovely photos, your dog's gorgeous :)

  2. Those slippers are amazing! You are so talented.



Thank you so much for leaving your thoughts. I love to hear what you all think and I do read every single one soooo if you have a question, feel free to ask!

chloe x

Lifestyle Blog // Nature, DIY, Coffee // By The Lock Lifestyle Blog // Nature, DIY and Coffee // By The Lock