Spicy Sweetcorn Grilled Breakfast Sandwich // Vegan Blogs
This was once of those 'I want something tasty for breakfast, whats in the house' recipe that turned out way better than a lot of the others. I am going through a serious sweetcorn stage (is that a thing?!) so it just made sense to make something based around the beautiful vegetable. It's sweet, spicy and super easy to make too. Not much beats a grilled sandwich in my eyes...
To make 2 sandwiches you'll need:
- 150g of sweetcorn
- Half a diced white onion
- 2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
- Half a red chilli, finely chopped
- 2 diced tomatos
- Teaspoon of tomato purée
- A handful of spinach
- Thick sliced white bread
- Salt and Pepper
Start my gently heating up a little oil in a pan and fry off your onion. Once your onions start to go transparent throw in your garlic and chilli, keep them moving so they don't burn. After 30-ish seconds add the chopped tomatoes and the purée too. Add a generous pinch of salt and a few scrunches of black pepper. Stir and mush up with your spatular; It wont look very pretty at this point! Now, add your sweetcorn and mix it all up. After a couples of minute give it a taste and add anything it might need, more pepper? More tomato?
Start heating up a griddle pan, you want it to be smoking hot. So you might want to open a window! Whilst it heats up start building your sandwich. On one thick slice of white bread put a handful of spinach and a pile of your sweetcorn mixture. If you have fresh coriander would be amazing to add at this point, as would be a sprinkle of smoked paprika. Press your second slice of bread on top and put it on the grill!
Flip your sandwich over when it starts to toast, it wont be the most sturdy sandwich so be careful! Once nicely toasted, slice in half and you're ready to eat. The whole thing shouldn't take you more than 10 minutes. AND, if you're super prepared, you can make the sweetcorn mix the night before and store in the fridge. I only made one sandwich with my mix and plan on using the leftovers to make a pasta salad! I love left-overs.

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chloe x