5 January 2015

2015 Goals.

I love setting myself some goals at the beginning of a year (I've actually been planning these ones for a while now). I used to do a list every year and then instantly forget about it... But I'm really getting into setting and (mostly) hitting my goals! I've stopped giving myself negative-resolutions (i.e. stop, don't, quit), now I give myself fun things I know I am going to enjoy and that will impact my life positively! I also really love to read others goals, so if you have set yourself some goals this year I'd love to hear about them!

Here are my 2015 goals:

      - Knit a Hat & a Pair of Socks - I'm just getting the hang of knitting, real knitting where I follow patterns. I've already finished a hat for Dixon (it took AGES) so now I want to make myself one. In mustard, with a pom pom. I just ordered some double-ended needles and I'm going to tackle a pair of socks too.

      - Go to a Class - Just a one off, fun class; something I wont necessarily do again. The aim is to put myself out of my comfort zone. Something sewing or art based would be great, but I'm not sure yet, I have seen a life drawing class advertised which looks kind of interesting?!

      - Practise a New Craft - Crochet? My Mum gave me a set for Christmas, so I'm definitely going to give that a go. I also want to give tie-dye a try, or dyeing my own yarn! I've never cross-stiched before either so that might be something to have a go at? The possibilities!

      - 365 Photo Project - I have regretted not doing this for the last few years, seeing everyone elses at the end of a year makes me super jealous. So, I'm giving it a go in 2015. I almost missed my first day already... but I'll get into it.

      - Actually Read 12 Books - Instead of trying to read as much as I can at the end of a year, I'm going to do it consistently through out the year. My tactic is to pile up all the books I want to read, then when I finish one I can move right onto the next one without having to think about it/go out and buy another.

      - Shoot 12 Rolls of Film - Yep, this one is making another appearance this year. I really love shooting film, and I really want to do it more. I failed miserably at this last year so I'm setting myself another target, and I am going to hit it this time. I particularly want to take photos of trees but I didn't want to be that specific on here.

      - Take Another Trip - Just me, Dixon and the pup, for at least a night but preferably a couple! Somewhere new. I don't mind where somewhere by a beach would be nice (I really want to find more beach glass), but anywhere in the country would be perfect! 

      - Recycle and Reduce more - I'm feeling so much satisfaction every time our recycle bin is full. I want to quit plastic bags and start thinking of other ways to cut down on the things we throw away. Paper coffee cups are a big problem of mine! And make-up remover wipes.

      - Driving Licence - I don't want to say I'll have my full licence before 2015 is over (Man, it's expensive to learn to drive), but I want to at least be on my way. A lesson one or two? At least. The longer I leave it the harder its going to get, you know, as I get old.

       - Buy a Water-proof Coat & Shoes This may sound like a really trivial goal, but I am forever unprepared for weather. It comes to going for a pup walk and if its muddy or raining I’m kind of forced to have wet muddy feet. I have one coat I wear for everything and it ends up covered it muddy paw prints... Problem is, I HATE coats! I can never find one I like/that fits/is waterproof. The search begins.

      - Visit some new Galleries/Museums - I love art, I love bones and I love learning new stuff. I don't make much time for visiting galleries mostly because the ones in Leeds I have been to! So I need to make some trips. If I visit 5 new museums this year, I'll be happy.

      - Make a Raw Dessert - I don't have a huge sweet tooth, and I'm definitely not one for baking (I suck at it!) but there is something about raw desserts that seriously appeal to me. I keep meaning to make one or two, but have never gotten around to it. After my 2014 goal of eating more fruit and veg went so well, I thought this would be a good follow up. 

      - Be More Active - I complain a lot that working 9-5, at a computer, in an office is making me unhealthy. Which is totally does. But I need to start and make the most of the time I'm not sat on my butt and get outside. I'm not saying I'm going to start running (because I'm not, I hate it) but it does mean I'm going to go for longer walks with the pup or maybe even crack my bike out again. Less TV, more outside.


  1. Do a life drawing class! I did my first one when I was still at school studying art and I thought it was going to be really weird. Once you get into the class you start thinking just in shapes and tones and the outcome is fantastic. It's a great experience and really relaxes you. It makes you look at a subject closely. Good luck with your goals.
    Kate xx

    1. I'm kind of scared to do one, but really excited to do a life drawing class. Absolutely no idea what to expect!

      Thank you!


  2. I love the idea of taking a class just for the goal of getting out of your comfort zone! I might borrow that idea too!

    1. Definitely do! I'm looking at a skirt making class too!


  3. I love your Goals for 2015! Especially the reduce waste and recycling. I've seen a cute little tutorial on Pinterest for making your own washable make up remover pads - I might have to give that a go! Happy New Year to you, Dixon and Eva :) xo

    1. Oh, I'll look up that definitely! Thanks for the tip. Happy new year to you !


  4. Happy new year! I'm excited for your 365 project, I would have such a hard time with that! xo

    1. Happy new year!
      I'm having a hard time with the 365 photos thing. I work 9-5 and it's dark outside those hours so worried all my photos will be the same! But I'm definitely going to keep at it

  5. Such a good read! Am glad I came across your blog ! X http://oldromantics.blogspot.co.uk


Thank you so much for leaving your thoughts. I love to hear what you all think and I do read every single one soooo if you have a question, feel free to ask!

chloe x

Lifestyle Blog // Nature, DIY, Coffee // By The Lock Lifestyle Blog // Nature, DIY and Coffee // By The Lock