2 January 2015

2014 Goals - Review.

I really enjoyed working through some of the goals I set myself in 2014. It was a pretty good year! I learnt a lot and definitely feel as though I'm going into 2015 a better person. And I've been able to pin-point a few areas I really need to work on. It's always fun reviewing goals at the ned of a year. So, here it is:

      - Sew Way More - Yep! I think I can strike this one off. This year I made some tote bags, a skirt, a few zip-pouches (a couple for me and one for a gift), I made Eva a bandana and I made a patchwork cushion cover. I really wanted to make myself a dress but chickened out. Maybe next time?

      - Read at least 12 books - I didn't do this one, but I knew it would be a challenge for me (I'm an extremely slow reader!). I am so envious of people who read 20, 30, 40 books a year. I am going to give this a go again in 2015. You can read about the 8 books I did read here & here.

      - Shoot 12 Rolls of Film - I didn't do this one either, urg! But I did have loads of fun trying. I think I had 7-8 films developed. I played around with a few different cameras too, and learnt a lot whilst doing it! I'm never going to stop shooting film, I absolutely love it. You can see all my film photos here.

      - Open a Savings Account + Save Monthly - I left this one kind of late, but yep! I'm now saving monthly and feeling good about it. I have a small amount going into a share-save dealie via work, its a 3 year thing and I can't access the money easily, which is perfect for me! I'm actually going to start putting a smaller amount into an ISA soon too, so that I can get it when/if I need/want to

      - Grow and Maintain our Garden - This one is a no.

      - Eat more Fruit and Vegetables - YEP. I knew this wasn't going to be a totally difficult one for me. I love vegetables! I could probably have had more fruit but I'm happy to say I did this one. I shared a few raw meals and a juice recipe!

      - Keep on Exploring Yorkshire - I wanted to visit 5 new places, and I did; Golden Acre Park, Langsette Reservoir, Filey, Skipton & Hunmanby. Dixon and me are making a list of places we want to go to in 2015 too. Yorkshire is pretty great.

        - 'Up-cycle' Some Furniture - Crap, I actually kind of forgot about this one. 

      - Yoga - I got myself a mat and some yoga pants. I did a 30-day challenge (which really was a challenge) at home. The biggest thing of all, I actually went to a class! I always made stupid excuses why I couldn't go to one but finally sucked it up and went to a class with a friend! It was really hard but I loved it. So, although I haven't done it every week I still feel like I did pretty well with this one.

      - Send More Snail Mail - This is a partial win. My friend Kate and I started writing to each other, I also sent a few packages and stuff to friends and family. Birthday cards etc too. I liked doing this one, but it isn't something I'm going to carry on.

      - Build my Vinyl Collection- The collection is definitely growing! I have some of my favourite albums on record now, and have my eye on a few more. Buying vinyl is so satisfying. Going to record stores is my absolute favourite thing. I still haven't made it to a record fair but will definitely be doing that in 2015.

Onto 2015 and a whole new bunch of goals. Exciting!


  1. Well done on achieving so many of your goals. Definitely making me think about setting myself some for 2015. x

    1. You definitely should! I love doing them.

  2. It sounds like you did a great job with your goals! Congrats!

    1. Thanks so much. Sometimes doesn't feel like I did too good!


Thank you so much for leaving your thoughts. I love to hear what you all think and I do read every single one soooo if you have a question, feel free to ask!

chloe x

Lifestyle Blog // Nature, DIY, Coffee // By The Lock Lifestyle Blog // Nature, DIY and Coffee // By The Lock