1 September 2014

See Ya August.

August was great. I can't remember the last time we had a prolonged 'summer' here, it was definitely enjoyed. I am really looking forward to Autumn thought. September is going to be a good month, my brother is getting married! I plan on doing lots of yoga and hopefully I can build up strength in my weakling arms. Picking a lot of fruit and making chutneys and jam.

This month I explored a new forest with Eva. The sun was out for a record time. We celebrated Dixons birthday! We finally made a trip to Bundobust; okra fries forever. I went to my first camping festival; Beacons! It rained. Both my trainers and wellies ended up with holes in. But it was amazing. I made a solo trip to Leeds market, I need to go there every week. I started sprouting some beans at home. I made raspberry chia jam. I started a 30 day yoga challenge! I had my hair styled for the first time ever. I also had my make up done, a dress fitting and went to a hen-party! We went apple picking too. Thanks August, you were pretty good!


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chloe x

Lifestyle Blog // Nature, DIY, Coffee // By The Lock Lifestyle Blog // Nature, DIY and Coffee // By The Lock