11 June 2014

Williamson House Butterfly House.

A rained off trip to the beach turned into a trip to a butterfly house. I loved the butterfly house, all those beautiful colourful insects flying around, but it definitely made me skittish. I am not a huge fan of moths. And, moths and butterflies are pretty similar. So, Williamson House Butterfly House, its an Edwardian glass building and pretty impressive, although small. They had a pretty good selection of butterflies and moths, a little house for the pupa too (which was amazing), a few quails handing around and water running around the outskirts with terrapin and koi swimming around. I tried to remember as many names of the butterflies as possible.... but didn't do too well. 

The Owl Butterfly; see the owl eye on its wing!? 
The Atlas Moth, this photo doesn't portray how MASSIVE it is, super beautiful but ever so giantly creepy.


1 comment:

  1. Great photographs and agreed, there's something a little creepy about moths! I'm spoilt with having a butterfly house at our local zoo, could spend so many hours just watching them all fluttering around!


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chloe x

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