28 December 2013

A Goal Update - Less than two months to go.

My 25th birthday is February the 12th; that's pretty close now. I still have a few of my goals that I haven't tackled. I've had loved it so far, I have done some fun things and mastered some things too; if I was to do this again I would avoid the goals which cost a lot of money (whale spotting...) and focus more on ones that are challenging to me. I should have been more specific with some goals too; My 'losing weight' one should maybe have been go running, or join a yoga class. 'Read as much as possible' should have been finish 20 new books. Etc etc.

Anyway, here is how I am going under two months to go;

1. Learn to bake my own amazing bread - I set myself a 12 months of Bread mini-challenge to work through, although I have 4 left to do before the end of the year but I have definitely learnt loads and can make amazing bread. 
2. Give some time to charity, regularly - A few little bits; 1. I walked some pups 2. Laid a path through the woods. And volunteered at Kirkstall Community Gardens 
3. Start learning to drive. -NO! I will be getting my provisional license in January though. I swear. 
4. Go to the Lake District - I'm hoping to make a trip to the Lake District for my actual birthday. The trains to Lake Windermere aren't anywhere near as expensive as I though. 
5. Go whale spotting - This one seems a bit of a distant dream. One day, but probably (definitely) not in the next two months.


6. Get my qualifications for work - Not doing so great, fingers crossed for a 1 of 4 before I'm 25. 
7. Go carbooting. 
8. Go to the Manchester Velodrome- Dixon and me are planning to do this in February, fingers crossed.
9. See more bands play live- I've seen a whole bunch! Including Braid, Owen and millions at Primavera Sound; The Postal Service, Camera Obscura, Hot Snakes & Shellac. 
10. Read as much as possible. - I have been reading, maybe not as much as possible;  I'm currently half way through Morrisseys Biography and Stiff by Mark Roach. 
11. Lose weight! - Still a lump. January starts the fitness regime. Holiday to France in July is the ultimate goal. 
12. Explore Yorkshire! - Yep; 1. 2. 3. I still have more of this planned, when I hit 5 I'll be happy.
13. Start quilting. Start and finish one design by hand. - I did this but my attempt was awful. It really did look terrible in the end, but I learnt a lot and went ahead and made one with my machine; much better.
14. Take more photos (especially film) and frame them to hang around the flat. - Started, I have a lot of film that needs developing also; 1.2.


15. Sort my finances out, no more debt.- On my way! Overdraft and store cards paid off, building on my credit rating and trying to be smart about what I spend. 
16. Host a (dinner) party. - Nope, still haven't gotten around to this one, fingers crossed in the new year as we have had hardly anyone around to our new house. 
17. Go see a play- Done 
18. Learn to enjoy time alone
19. Ride bikes with Dixon - This hasn't been much of a success, Dixon is a lot better at riding then me; but I'm planning to pick up a new bike in the new year so there is still a chance.


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