22 February 2015

365 Photo Project // Day 46-53

Day 46// We went for a walk in the woods and there are loads of signs of spring! 
 Day 47// Pulled 'Pork' wraps for tea. Dixon made this with Jack-Fruit, it is insanely good!
Day 48//  I had an awful awful day at work. But the sky was pretty beautiful when I went to catch my train.
 Day 49// I started knitting some mittens! Cant wait to finish them. Its the first non-linea thing I've tried to knit!
 Day 50// Started using these awesome notepads I was given for my birthday. Still can't choose a favourite.
 Day 51// Eva having a tasty carrot after being sick a few times during the night (Thats what happens when you eat moisturiser).
Day 52// Me and a few friends made the drive over to Lancaster for our friends babies naming ceremony/first birthday party. We stayed in a hotel and my view was pretty amazing...
....but seeing these guys was even better
Day 53// A slightly snowy, sleepy drive back across the country after an ace weekend. 

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Thank you so much for leaving your thoughts. I love to hear what you all think and I do read every single one soooo if you have a question, feel free to ask!

chloe x

Lifestyle Blog // Nature, DIY, Coffee // By The Lock Lifestyle Blog // Nature, DIY and Coffee // By The Lock