27 October 2014

Yearly Goal Update

Did you set yourself any goals this year? How're they going? I thought I'd give a bit of an update on how I'm going with my goals this year, we're into the last quarter  so I really need to get a move on with some of them, but feel good about others. You can read my original goals here and my mid-year update here if you like. 

- Sew Way More - Yes! I've done a few things on my machine, and a lot of hand sewing recently; I'm making felt animals! I've done a few embroidery hoops which I have around the house. I finally bought myself some fabric to make a dress but I still haven't gotten the courage to start it.

- Read at least 12 books - I am just into my 7th book of the year, and there will be a post about them coming up once I've finished it. I have slacked a lot on this, but I'm reading at every opportunity I can! I've never set myself a reading target before because I am such a slow reader, but I really really want to hit this one! Any book suggestions would be greatly received! 

Shoot 12 Rolls of Film - I'm only 6 into this, I'm actually getting 4, 5 & 6 developed this week so fingers crossed there are some beauties on it that I'll share with you guys. I've actually had them for a couple of months without taking them into the shop, which is kind of stupid but kind of exciting too as I can't completely remember what is on them! I'm still way too precious with film.

- Open a Savings Account + Save Monthly Almost! Dixon and me have opened a share-save plan through my work, which starts at the end of the year. Monthly savings will come directly from my pay and into something I can't access for ages. Last minute, I know.

Grow and Maintain our Garden - This one is a big fat no. And wont be changing. Boo.

- Eat more Fruit and Vegetables - Yep! I'm pretty happy with this one. Along side the Rawdays we've been having I have been cramming extra vegetables and fruit into my diet where ever I can. I shared a blueberry chia jam recipe which is packed with fruit and a immune-system booster juice recipe too. I'm planning on sharing a few more raw day posts before the year ends too!

- Keep on Exploring Yorkshire I said that 5 new places would be good for me, well, so far I've explored Golden Acre Park, Langsette Reservoir, Filey, Skipton (for Beacons festival) & Hunmanby.  As well as a load of new places in/around our house; Hunger Hills Wood & an old quarry. We've camped and stayed in a log cabin too, it has been fun! Eva is the best exploring buddy and Dixon has a few places he wants to visit too. Yorkshire is pretty amazing. There are still a lot of places I need to visit.

'Up-cycle' Some Furniture - Nope!! This one I was super excited about doing, but just haven't gotten around to. I need to get to some charity shops and do some searching for the perfect piece.

Yoga - I went to my first ever yoga class in October. I was so scared to go, but tagged along with a friend, and really loved it. I definitely work loads harder in a class! My legs ached for days afterwards. After the lesson I decided to sign up to a introduction to yoga course right away. I'm so excited to be doing.

Send More Snail Mail -  I haven't sent anything in a while actually, I had gotten into a pretty good roll on this one. I'll have to pick up some postcards too, send me your address if you'd like one!

Build Vinyl Collection- This one is still going pretty well. Although I'm not sure at what point a collection becomes a collection, my shelf is definitely starting to get full. I'm thinking of writing a little post about my love of vinyl and some of the records I've gotten recently? I'm not sure yet. I can't wait to go to my first record fair either.


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chloe x

Lifestyle Blog // Nature, DIY, Coffee // By The Lock Lifestyle Blog // Nature, DIY and Coffee // By The Lock