2 April 2014

Gone Plantin'.

// Giant Pumpkins seeds! I am so excited for these //
// Baby Paper Lantern Chilli //

We have started to plant some seeds for the fruit and vegetables that we want to get hardened up before putting into the ground. That, and our allotment isn't quite ready for planting yet. I check each little seed every morning, seeing something start to sprout is so exciting. So far we have sprouts from tomatoes, cucumber and a couple of chillies (Paper Lantern & Jalapeño). There are still loads more that haven't made an appearance yet; more tomatoes, more chillies, golden courgettes, regular courgettes, onions, butternut squash, pumpkin, onion, broccoli, aubergine & sweet corn. And even more we haven't even planted yet! ....If we're friends, expect veg baskets. Are you planting anything this year?

We planted Sunflower seeds too! One each (Dixon, Eva & Me) and I've challenged a couple of my friends to a growing competition! I haven't grown a sunflower since I was a little kid I hope mine grows MASSIVE.



  1. Love this. It's a great feeling watching them grow. Hope it's all coming along nicely. x

  2. I love this - I'm planning on growing food on my balcony this year - just need to get my window box purchased and that's the final bit of the equipment I need :) xx


Thank you so much for leaving your thoughts. I love to hear what you all think and I do read every single one soooo if you have a question, feel free to ask!

chloe x

Lifestyle Blog // Nature, DIY, Coffee // By The Lock Lifestyle Blog // Nature, DIY and Coffee // By The Lock